
The future of finance – money, financial markets and digital tools

Whai Rawa hosted an event in Te Whare o te Waipounamu for members, whānau and kaimahi to celebrate the start of Sorted Money Month in August.

This event was hosted by Sam Kellar, General Manager Whai Rawa, and was joined by our superstar panel including Sam Inglis, Ngāi Tahu Holdings Acting Chief Operating Officer and Kendall Flutey CEO and co-founder of Banqer, and Paul Burns, Investment Adviser for Craigs Investment Partners. 

Here we discussed the changing face of money in the wake of market volatility over the past few years, the massive increase in the availability of digital tools and social media finfluencers and what our investments might look like in the future.




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Whai Rawa Fund Limited is the issuer of the Whai Rawa Unit Trust. A copy of Whai Rawa’s Product Disclosure Statement is available at Whai Rawa Fund Limited’s financial advice disclosure statement is available here