
Active Choice - choose a fund to help you achieve your goals

Three funds were introduced in 2020 to ensure that all our whānau have options as to which Whai Rawa investment fund their money is invested in. Looking at the options available ensures that at any age, account balance or life stage you can choose a Fund that better reflects the personal needs and risk appetite of your whānau.

Waiho i te māhaka tī kia kore ai e motu

Choose a fund to help you achieve your goals

The Whai Rawa Unit Trust (the Scheme) is invested in Mercer Investment Trusts New Zealand’s Socially Responsible Conservative, Balanced and Growth Portfolio’s. Each portfolio has a different level of risk and accordingly different return expectations.

For more information view the Product Disclosure Statement or Other Material Information document.

FAQs - Active Choice General
What is Active Choice?

Traditionally, Whai Rawa Funds were invested in a Socially Responsible Conservative Fund. You can now choose between three Socially Responsible Fund choices for your investment– Tōtara-Conservative, Mataī-Balanced or Rātā-Growth.

Each portfolio has a different level of risk and accordingly different return expectations.

The fund that is best for you might not be best for your tamariki.

What is Te Puāwaitanga?

We’ve called our journey Te Puāwaitanga. It references the growth of the Scheme to three funds, each with their own level of risk. Like a tree that takes years to grow, your investment will also be impacted by how long you save, your contributions, and local and global market activity.

What are the new Fund options?

There are three fund choices for your investment– Tōtara-Conservative, Mataī-Balanced and Rātā-Growth. You can choose a fund that better reflects your needs and risk appetite.

We’ve associated South Island trees with each of our funds. The associated trees reflect the characteristics of each fund type.

Tōtara reflects our Conservative Fund.

Mataī reflects our Balanced Fund.

Rātā reflects our Growth Fund.

Are all the Funds Socially Responsible?

Yes, all Whai Rawa’s fund portfolios are Socially Responsible.

FAQs - Active Choice Switching
How do I switch Funds?

If you have received an email from us you will be able to switch your fund using the link in your email This gives you an easy way to review your choice.



How do I switch my tamariki or mokopuna if I'm an account holder?

The same way as you will switch, however you will need to access each member’s account individually. If you have received an email for your tamariki, use their email link to access the site.

How can I split my funds between Investment options?

At this time, you can only invest 100% of your funds and future contributions into one fund type.

Does it cost anything to switch?

No, there is no charge to switch funds at this time.

How long does it take to switch funds?

Your Fund switch will be completed within 3 working days if you complete your switch online.


I still need more information to make a choice. What can I do?

Read the Whai Rawa Product Disclosure Statement which you can access online here

If you would like to seek qualified financial advice, visit the Financial Markets Authority website to view a list of registered financial advisors here. Please note this is not a subsidised benefit by Whai Rawa.

FAQs - Active Choice Campaign
I've been through the website but I want to take the Risk Quiz again?

If you want to take the Risk Quiz again you can access it here at and take it as many times as you need to.