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Why is recycling important?

Protecting our planet from para (rubbish) and unnecessary waste is so important.  To be a kaitiaki mīharo it’s important you recycle where you can. Tāne is our kaitiaki of the land and he is always talking to his hoa about recycling – see his top tips for recycling below!



Whakawhāiti | Reduce

We want to stop bringing unnecessary items into your whare if you don’t need to. Say no to excess rubbish in the first place.


Tukurua | Reuse

There are loads of things around your whare that you could easily throw out tamariki mā but you can also reuse them to make sure they stay out of the rubbish.


Hangarua | Recycle

Making sure we recycle where possible ensures that items are either turned into something usable and useful or recycled into your bins with care and responsibility.