Signup to our club

Tamariki mā!

Ngā Kaitiaki Moni is the Whai Rawa kids club where you can learn about everything moni!

Ngā Kaitiaki Moni means ‘the Money Guardians’ in te reo Māori. When you sign up, you too become a money guardian, and this marks the start of your journey to becoming a kaitiaki who supports their whānau, saves for things that are important and looks after their taiao. Let’s get started!


Want to be a great kaitiaki moni?

Being a great kaitiaki moni means helping your friends and whānau, saving your pocket money or koha for important things, learning about what to do when you receive moni, and sharing your knowledge with others. We also learn about he toa taiao – how to be great defenders of our tangata and taonga.

If you’re aged between 5 and 12 you can join our club – and it’s free!

Join now!

What to expect from the club

You’ll receive activities, competitions, panui and more – right to your door!

Every new member receives a mīharo certificate in the post to celebrate being in the club as well as some other goodies. After that you’ll receive regular pānui which have lots of cool competitions, activities and resources inside. We’ll also send you challenges and other guides to sit down and go through with your whānau.

Lots of content is also available here on our website!




About our Kaitiaki!

Ngā Kaitiaki Moni has a bunch of cool Kaitiaki who will help you on your learning journey.

Te Hau, Waitaki, Tāne and Mārama along with their kurī (dog) Manawa are our Kaitiaki.

When you sign up to the club you’ll get to pick your favourite Kaitiaki to join you on your journey!

FInd out more about the kaitiaki!

Here are some fun stats about our club:

the club was started in 2019

we now have over 1,750 tamariki in the club

we have produced 13 pānui

we have 5 whānau guides in English and te Reo Māori

What will we do next? Join up to find out!