We know that  market ups and downs are common with investing, but should we sit tight or should we change our approach? Wāhine are often responsible for managing the small amount of extra income that comes into the whānau so what could you do with that – keep investing or squirrel it away under the mattress?


During times of market volatility – what should we do?
  • Play the long game. We hear it often but markets do go up and down and a long-term approach is generally best if you’re on a longer term investment journey (do you need your funds in the next 5 years or less? If not you’re probably investing long-term). The same can be said for your Whai Rawa account. Unless you want to withdraw funds in the very near future (you’re planning a withdrawal for something in the next year) then checking your account too often can make you a bit whakaaroha/sad!


  • Be aware of your goals. As mentioned above unless you are looking to withdraw soon then ups and downs in the market shouldn’t be of concern. Remember your investment goals – a first home, retirement or something in between. If you are still concerned you can take our Risk Quiz which will assist you to identify what fund might work best for you – whairawa.com/riskquiz.



  • Ignore the stereotypes. Richard Klipin from the Financial Services Council (FSC) says that “despite the stereotype that women are conservative when it comes to investing and are uninterested in the share market, studies indicate they’re better investors than us”. That old adage about women being emotional creatures? Turns out men are the ones more likely to sell during a market dip , rather than holding out for the dip to pass and getting those long-term returns. At a time like this when markets are down, there’s a lot a long term investor can learn from this calm and collected approach to investing. This is great news wāhine mā!  Read more about what Richard has to say here – https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/opinion-analysis/300595968/in-the-midst-of-market-volatility-are-women-more-likely-to-weather-the-storm


  • Remember market volatility is common with investing. However your goals that you are investing for might be 10 years away or 20 years away. Keep your long-term vision strong and if you are looking to access your funds sooner get in touch with us at Whai Rawa or your other investment provider and have a chat about options available to you.


The information contained in this document is intended for general guidance and information only and is not personalised to you. It does not take into account your particular financial situation or goals.

The links shared and associated content on this website have not been vetted or otherwise approved by Whai Rawa Fund Limited and neither Whai Rawa Fund Limited, nor Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu endorse the linked material or its provider in any way. The information provided by these links and third-party providers is not personalised to you and your situation.  Before making any investment decision, or taking any action or not, you should refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and / or consult a licensed financial advice provider.

Whai Rawa Fund Limited is the issuer of the Whai Rawa Unit Trust. A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement is available at www.whairawa.com/pds. A financial advice disclosure statement is available for Whai Rawa Fund Limited at www.whairawa.com/financial-advice.