Māreikura is a term for noble-born women, elevating the importance of the kōrero for our wāhine. Matapaki simply means discussion.
As part of Whai Rawa mahi with Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission and their National Strategy for Financial Capability Whai Rawa launched He Matapaki Māreikura, a place for our wāhine members to engage and inspire kōrero about financial capability for them and their whānau.
Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission says that their research consistently demonstrates that women’s financial literacy is significantly lower than that of men. Women experience pay inequity in the labour market and tend to be the family members who take time out of the workforce to care for children or older relatives, meaning they arrive at retirement with less. Women often relate to money in different ways to men, and financial capability messages have not always resonated with them. By focusing on women’s particular needs, in ways that will reach them, the financial services sector aims to support women’s financial empowerment.
Statistics around wāhine and money in New Zealand:
Whai Rawa wants you to feel confident and take control of your finances and future! We will share ideas to help you to think ahead, advice from the experts, top tips, and ways to make it all happen. Stay tuned we have a lot more to share with you!
At Whai Rawa improving and increasing understanding of financial capability and literacy is a key objective in our journey to create better futures for whānau. Financial capability is about having the ability to make informed judgements and make effective decisions regarding the use and management of money. It is seen as a spectrum covering financial knowledge and the understanding, confidence and motivation to make financial judgements and decisions.
Are you a Whai Rawa member? Find out more about how to sign up for the Ngāi Tahu investment scheme today.
It Starts With Action is an action-focused, Financial Services Council-led campaign supporting Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission’s National Strategy that aims to make impactful change in growing women’s financial confidence and wellbeing.
Through engaging conversations and tangible actions, our goal is to collectively contribute to a positive shift in the confidence and wellbeing of wāhine around the country.
Join us in taking meaningful action – you can find more information and resources here.
The information contained on this page is intended for general guidance and information only and is not personalised to you. It does not take into account your particular financial situation or goals.
The links shared and associated content hosted on our websites or hosted on any third-party provider websites have not been vetted or otherwise approved by Whai Rawa Fund Limited and neither Whai Rawa Fund Limited, nor Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu endorse the linked material or its provider in any way. The information provided by these links and third-party providers is not personalised to you and your situation. Before making any investment decision, you should refer to the Product Disclosure Statement and / or consult a licenced financial advice provider.
Whai Rawa Fund Limited is the issuer of the Whai Rawa Unit Trust. A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement is available at www.whairawa.com/pds. All content is subject to WRFL’s financial advice disclosure statement available here www.whairawa.com/financial-advice.