Wendi Raumati (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Hāteatea)

Wendi Raumati (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Hāteatea)

Wendi Raumati (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Hāteatea) is saving for her retirement with the help of her Whai Rawa account. Wendi is māmā of 8, tāua of 17 and tāua tuarua of 3. Wendi is passionate about the importance of education for her whānau but as a young mother, she was unable to save for her children's tertiary education. Wendi is excited that her mokopuna have the opportunity to access the benefits of Whai Rawa, "ekea kā tiritiri o te moana - to reach the heights of their aspirations". Watch Wendi's video to hear her whānau story.