Nau mai ki te wāhi ipuraki o Whai Rawa
Whai Rawa is the Kāi Tahu investment scheme that helps create a better future for Kāi Tahu whānau through greater wealth and wellbeing. Improving participation in tertiary education and levels of home ownership, along with having sufficient funds for retirement, are key goals for the Whai Rawa scheme.
to 31 December 2024
Managed Funds
$175 million
$41.2 million
Since inceptionSavers
to 31 December 2024

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What is Whai Rawa?

Whai Rawa Investment Update to 31 December 2024

History of Whai Rawa

How to join Whai Rawa

Purchasing a home has got to be one of the biggest achievements in my life so far. In a relatively short amount of time, I was able to save a fair chunk of money to go towards my deposit. On top of purchasing a home, Whai Rawa has instilled in me the value of saving on a regular basis and made me feel more financially savvy.
Sean Bragg (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu, Whakatōhea)

I just want to tautoko our Tipuna for having the foresight and preparing our claim. Without that, we wouldn’t have been able to get to where we are today and that’s with things like Whai Rawa. We all want to reach to the heights of our aspirations. Our Whānau, my moko can do this now because our people have got Whai Rawa.
Wendi Raumati (Ngāti Hateatea)

There are many benefits that come with being a Whai Rawa member, like having a way for whānau to save for education or a deposit on their first home. Whai Rawa is teaching the vital lesson of the value of money and the importance of saving to whānau.
Ruby Laugesen (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kuri)

Ideally we'd like to use our Whai Rawa to buy our first home. For us, the benefit is being able to use it alongside what we've saved in KiwiSaver. We know that every small amount counts, you don't have to put in a huge contribution every week but what you do contribute adds up.
Harrison Hunt (Ngāi Tahu)

Whai Rawa means that my savings will help get me into the housing market and buy my first home one day, which is a pretty exciting prospect. My parents instilled in me the value of saving and so I know that any extra dollars I have will help. I like that my Whai Rawa account is working hard for me.
Lauren Connolly (Ngāi Tahu, Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua)