Having sufficient funds for a comfortable retirement is a crucial aspect of growing the wealth and wellbeing of Ngāi Tahu whānau. By helping whānau to start saving early and allowing their money to grow, Whai Rawa can play an important role in this future.
Ngā hua Key Benefits
- WITHDRAW AT 55: Whai Rawa withdrawals can be made once you turn 55, 10 years earlier than Kiwisaver schemes.
- NGĀI TAHU CONTRIBUTIONS: Saving for retirement is currently assisted by benefits provided by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu such as Matched Savings and Distributions* paid until you turn 65.
- SAVINGS LOCKED IN: Because Whai Rawa savings can only be accessed for key life events, it is easier to work towards saving for retirement.
- RETURNS ON YOUR FUNDS: Whai Rawa funds are currently invested in Mercer Investment Trusts New Zealand’s Socially Responsible Conservative, Balanced and Growth Portfolio’s (Mercer (NZ) Ltd is the Fund Manager of those Funds). Each day a rate of return is calculated and allocated to members’ accounts.
*Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu matched savings and distributions are available to all eligible Whai Rawa members under 65 years of age (see the Product Disclosure Statement) and are subject to RSCT (retirement scheme contribution tax) deducted at your personal RSCT rate (see the Other Material Information document for more details). If you do not notify us of your correct rate, you will be taxed at the highest applicable rate of 39%.
Distribution payments are made no later than 31 March in the calendar year following qualification. Download our PDS here.
Te kaupapa How it Works
Withdrawing your Whai Rawa funds for retirement is easy! Withdrawals can be made twice a year, once you turn 55. The minimum withdrawal amount is $500 (or your full account balance if it’s less than $500).
Just complete a Retirement Withdrawal Form and send it back to us. We need a copy of your Photo ID and a pre-printed bank deposit slip.

At 65 your account will turn into an Elective Member (Kaumātua) account.
Note - you can only close your account once you turn 65. The year you turn 65 is also the year you will no longer receive distributions.

Heading into retirement feels a little easier knowing that I've got my Whai Rawa account there giving me a better transition into the years after work. Contributing every week to Whai Rawa has always been a priority for myself and I tell my tamariki and mokopuna the same.
Debs Tikao (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu)
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu currently provides Matched Savings* and Distributions* for eligible member accounts until the year the member turns 65. After this any remaining savings will continue to earn investment returns for so long as you remain a member. You are classified as a Kaumātua from the age of 65, when different benefits apply.
On reaching 55 years of age a lump sum of the total amount in your account or a maximum of two withdrawals in each Calendar Year (which must be for a minimum of $500 (or the total amount in your account, whichever is less).
To save for your retirement withdrawal, you can contribute funds in a range of ways. See our How to Contribute page.
Whether you think you’ll continue in employment past age 65, the amount you may want or need to save into Whai Rawa can vary from person to person. A good indicator of how much to consider saving is to take into account that generally people are living longer nowadays and obviously the amount of money needed at retirement would depend on individual living costs at the time, for example; whether you’ll be renting your home or have a mortgage, and if you want to afford holidays overseas or even hobbies.
Mercer’s KiwiSaver Retirement Income Simulator is an interactive online tool that allows you to estimate how much you may have in retirement, so you can start planning for the future now. What makes the simulator interesting is the ability to include details of your partner’s finances, planned career breaks, details of other investments, voluntary contributions you may wish to make and much more. It’s a useful way of seeing how adding in different life circumstances could change your retirement income.