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Home ownership often means much more than just a roof over your head. Itā€™s about having security and being a part of a community. This is why Whai Rawa recognises home ownership as one of the keys to enabling whānau...

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At Whai Rawa improving and increasing understanding of financial capability and literacy is a key objective in Whai Rawa's journey to create better futures for whānau. Financial capability is about having the ability to make informed judgements and make effective...

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It Starts with Action

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Supporting whānau through tertiary education is one of the ways that Whai Rawa is working to create a better future for our iwi. Through encouraging higher levels of participation in tertiary education we are able to work towards growing our...

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Are you password perfect?

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Whai Rawa is the Ngāi Tahu investment scheme that helps create a better future for Ngāi Tahu whānau through greater wealth and wellbeing. Improving participation in tertiary education and levels of home ownership, along with having sufficient funds for retirement,...

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Money Bites

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My Account

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Ngāi Tahu Contributions

Since setting up Whai Rawa, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has contributed over $50 million in matched savings, newborn and annual distributions. Note: the annual level of contribution may differ between calendar years and between members. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi...

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Power Up

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Withdrawal forms

Whai Rawa was set up to improve levels of tertiary education, home ownership and saving for retirement improving the wellbeing of Ngāi Tahu whānau. Outside of these categories there are limited opportunities to withdraw your funds. Remember if you are...

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Our Board

Whai Rawa Fund Limited (WRFL) was appointed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (Te Rūnanga) to manage the Whai Rawa Unit Trust and works with the Office of Te Rūnanga (TRoNT) along with a number of other parties. WRFL reports...

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Member Statements

Member Statements for the period 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024 can be viewed and downloaded by logging into your account online.

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About Us

Whai Rawa has been in operation since June 2006. The Scheme has been set up to operate for the benefit of members and aims to build the wealth of Ngāi Tahu Whānui by encouraging and assisting savings for tertiary education,...

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ID and Address Requirements

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Financial Wellbeing

At Whai Rawa improving and increasing understanding of financial capability and literacy is a key objective in our journey to create better futures for whānau. Financial wellbeing is about having the ability to make informed judgements and make effective decisions...

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He Matapaki Māreikura

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Your investment

Memberā€™s Whai Rawa funds are able to be invested in the Mercer Investment Trusts New Zealandā€™s Socially Responsible Conservative, Balanced and Growth Portfolios. Each portfolio has a different level of risk and accordingly different return expectations.

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We wanted to provide you all with an update on COVID-19 and we have a series of FAQs of the most relevant up to date information below. If youā€™ve got any pātai we are available to help you during normal...

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Joe Smythe

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Whai Rawa is a medium-long term investment scheme set up by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu in 2006 to improve the wellbeing of Ngāi Tahu whānau by providing a vehicle for distributions to eligible whānau, encouraging savings for home ownership,...

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Tax Information

Every member needs to provide their own New Zealand IRD number (or an overseas Tax File Number equivalent) and most members should also supply tax rates. Members should review the tax calculator to identify the correct tax rates for their...

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Market Volatility

We have put some information together to help you understand Market Volatility and how this can impact your Whai Rawa investment. We recommend reading through the below FAQ's and watching the videos which describe general concepts that apply to your...

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Annual report

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Growing whānau wealth and wellbeing starts at birth. To encourage whānau to enrol pēpi early, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu currently provides a Newborn Distribution of $100* to kickstart those who enrol with Whai Rawa before their first birthday.

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Having sufficient funds for a comfortable retirement is a crucial aspect of growing the wealth and wellbeing of Ngāi Tahu whānau. By helping whānau to start saving early and allowing their money to grow, Whai Rawa can play an important...

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15 Years

At Whai Rawa we are celebrating 15 years of changing habits and changing lives for Ngāi Tahu whānui!

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Te Puāwaitanga

Three funds were introduced in 2020 to ensure that all our whānau have options as to which Whai Rawa investment fund their money is invested in. Looking at the options available ensures that at any age, account balance or life...

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Join Now

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Unit Pricing

Your Whai Rawa investment is a unitised fund. Read more on how this works below.

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Product Disclosure Statement

A Product Disclosure Statement describes how a product works and provides you with information about the organisation that is offering it. Importantly, it will give you an understanding of the risks and returns and any fees and charges and it...

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Ben Appleton

Ben Appleton (Ngāi Tahu, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and Whakatōhea) a recruitment consultant in London, can now be regularly seen wandering the streets in his new Whai Rawa jacket, which he wears with pride.

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This page contains a range of important documents relating to joining and investing with Whai Rawa. The current Whai Rawa Unit Trust Product Disclosure Statement is available below. If you have any pātai/questions regarding any of the information provided please...

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You can keep in touch with us by visiting our Facebook page regularly and by checking in here for news and pānui. We love to hear from our members and whānau so drop us a line if you have feedback,...

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Risk Quiz

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This document considers the most significant risks to which Whai Rawa Fund Limited (WRFL) is exposed. The majority of WRFLā€™s business activities and member services are conducted through third-party service providers. WRFLā€™s use of third-party service providers and resulting institutional...

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Investment Insights

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Future of Finance

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Sorted Webinar

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Financial Advice

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How to contribute

To make it as easy as possible to contribute to your Whai Rawa account there are a range of payment options available. Remember to always include a six-digit Whai Rawa member number with every payment, and there is no minimum...

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Money Month

The month of August is Sorted Money Month and weā€™re excited to share with you how this can help you and your whānau.

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Kids Club

Ngā Kaitiaki Moni is a fun and interactive space for Whai Rawa tamariki aged 5-12 to engage with financial capability learning. It is a platform for Whai Rawa to connect with and teach them about saving in an enjoyable way...

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Privacy Policy

Please find our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use below

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Maurice Manawatu

Maurice (Ngāti Kurī) has been a long time supporter of Whai Rawa, for himself and his retirement, his mokopuna and whānau and also for the Ngāi Tahu employees of the business he runs with wife Heather - Māori Tours Kaikōura....

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Socially Responsible

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Wendi Raumati

Wendi Raumati (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Hāteatea) is saving for her retirement with the help of her Whai Rawa account. Wendi is māmā of 8, tāua of 17 and tāua tuarua of 3. Wendi is passionate about the importance of education...

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Dana Te Kanawa

Dana (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Mamoe) is currently saving towards her and her partner Derek's first whare for their whānau. Having both studied later in life, they hope to show their tamariki not only the importance of having qualifications but also...

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Riana Bennett

Riana Bennett (Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio, Ngāi Tahu) has been a Whai Rawa member since it's inception in 2006 and has since signed up both her tamariki to Whai Rawa. In Riana's whānau story, she talks about the advantages of...

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Whānau Stories

We love hearing stories from our whānau around the globe doing great things and achieving big, personally and professionally. Here are some of their stories. Will yours be next?

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Tax Calculator

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